



Founded on November 11, 2003, the Company was later acquired on December 18, 2007 by PT Tiara Marga Trakindo through its subsidiary, PT Sumberdaya Sewatama and PT Sanggar Sarana Baja. The Company later acquired by PT ABM Investama Tbk. on October 23, 2009. A year later, on December 14, 2010, Reswara perform acquisition on TIA.

As a subsidiary of Reswara, TIA is engaged in the production and sales of coal. TIA coal product has trademarked as “TIA The Compliant Coal" with low sulfur and ash content.

TIA has a coal mining concession in the sub-district of Kusan Hulu and Sungai Loban, Regency ofTanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan Province. The Company's mining concession area of 3,085 hectares with potential coal reserves are estimated at 52 million metric tons and annual production of 5 million metric tons.

The  operational performance of PT Tunas Inti Abadi in 2015 was quite stable. TIA has reached stable monthly production of more than 400 thousand metric tons.



